A vision for AspirePress and a community-run .org mirror

The problem

In the last few weeks, we’ve seen that every WordPress instance in the world has a single point of failure. That single point of failure creates a risk for security, reliability, and credibility for the entire ecosystem. Further, that single point of failure could be leveraged to distribute malware or damage the community as a whole.

This post is about laying out a vision for the future of WordPress, the future of distributing plugin and theme updates, and how we can improve the community as a whole.

The vision

To address this problem, we have to move in two major steps:

First, we have to get out of disaster mode. We need to assuage the fears of the community by providing a reliable, functional solution that they can use in days, not months.

Second, we should offer a truly distributed, federated and comprehensive update solution that benefits everybody in the community.

Getting out of disaster mode

The first goal of the project is to offer a viable solution to the centralized control of the .org website. Here is a short punchlist of my goals, and where we are in the process:

Status Description
DONE Develop a plugin that can rewrite the api.wordpress.org and download.wordpress.org endpoints to endpoints controlled by a third party mirror.
DONE Develop a tool for downloading the entire library of plugins.
DONE Develop a passthru endpoint that redirects unknown requests to .org
IN PROGRESS Develop a tool for updating plugins from the .org
IN PROGRESS Negotiate with a CDN provider for the data and bandwidth we’ll need.
IN PROGRESS Implement the basic endpoints for updating WordPress.
TO DO Set up the ability to issue free API keys to protect the endpoints from abuse, while offering free access to the average user.
TO DO Develop a tool for downloading the entire library of themes
TO DO Develop a tool for updating themes from the .org
TO DO Develop documentation.
TO DO Setup and test infrastructure
TO DO Launch

This list is a rough cut of the tasks that need to be completed to effectively launch a mirror of the .org site. It will be updated as we make progress, and also be updated on GitHub.

The thing is that for this to be a true community project, we need your help. we need people to commit to GitHub, write documentation, test and offer their feedback and critiques. This is a full-court press for the community, and it takes a lot of people to make an open source project work.

Long-term: distributed, federated, funded

The long-term goals of the project are to effectively ensure three key elements of the mirror system:

  • Fully Distributed – anyone can set up a mirror and host plugins;
  • Federated – you can join a network of mirrors and have access to their plugins (and yours to them)
  • Funded – there be an opportunity for commercial benefit for those who host mirrors, as well as providing open source contributions to the community.

What this looks like in full is for discussion and planning of Phase 2 and beyond, but right now we need to focus on getting something on the table that the community has contributed to and supports so that we can move forward.

None of these concepts is particularly ground-breaking. For example, DNS is distributed and federated. A good mirror should work like DNS: publication of a plugin to one mirror should result in propagation of that plugin to other mirrors that support it and wish to make it available.

We need your help

This project cannot be done by me alone. While we think we have laid a good foundation, we need experts at devops, coding, marketing, social media, documentation and more to come together to help drive this to the finish line.

If you want to contribute, please contact me, file issues on GitHub, or submit pull requests. Your feedback and involvement is more than welcome.


2 thoughts on “A vision for AspirePress and a community-run .org mirror

  1. If there’s a concern about malware coming from a centralized source, surely the same concern exists with a decentralized mirror model. Have y’all considered plans for addressing this (maybe something like TUF)?

  2. I believe that I was unclear – the single point of failure was in reference specifically to the fact that taking it down could allow malware to thrive in the community.

    Once we move to a distributed model, we will need to have signing for both authors and mirrors that confirm the identity of both and are verifiable at the WordPress user level. However, right now WordPress doesn’t authenticate any kind of checksum against the downloaded file, which is the most basic security one could ask for.

    So there’s a lot of work to do. We’d love to have you on the project.

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